What Does Cardiac Arrest Feel and Look Like?
Learning what a cardiac arrest feels like and looks like is a good way to be properly prepared to help someone in an emergency. Here’s some insight from our team – providers of the best defibrillators in Australia, includingCell AED and HeartSine defibrillators. Most people don’t feel anything! Cardiac arrest has an almost instant impact […]
Sleep Yourself to a Healthier Heart
Many of our tips for improving heart health are about getting active regularly, from adopting a dog that you can walk each day to practising yoga, joining a dance class, or taking upcycling. But did you know your heart needs a good night’s sleep too? Here are some insights into how sleep affects heart health […]
When One May Not Be Enough
We’ve been so impressed to see how awareness around the importance of accessible defibrillators in our homes, workplaces, and public spaces is growing! We’re proud to see entire supermarket chains, shopping centres, and large workplaces really getting the message that access to a defibrillator and a little training for their staff can make all the […]
How to Use Personal Protective Equipment Properly
Personal protective equipment, or PPE, has become big news lately with the COVID-19 pandemic. Everywhere you go, from shopping centres to the office or schools, people are spraying hand sanitiser, wearing masks and gloves, and trying to avoid spreading the virus. This is great news – but it’s important to know how to use PPE […]
How to Treat SCA Safely During the COVID-19 Pandemic
With many people staying home during the COVID-19 outbreak, the chances for a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) happening at home are significantly higher. As a result, people are being encouraged to recognise SCA symptoms and respond effectively – but how can you do this safely during the pandemic? COVID-19 and SCA – What Everyone Should […]
Developing Heart Smart Rural Communities
The pressure on paramedics and ambulance services has become acute in 2021, mostly because people living in our cities and rural towns across the country are requiring critical care as a result of deferred medical attention during the COVID-19 pandemic in each state. Fear of contracting COVID-19 meant that many people decided to forgo regular […]
What is Holiday Heart Syndrome?
During the festive and New Year season, we spend a lot more time visiting friends and family, eating out and attending parties as we celebrate the new year. All around the world, this means a lot more eating and a lot more drinking – and Australians are no exception. This can result in a very […]